I had a rather long discussion in email with Shannon today, the main topic being whether or not we should have IAP in our game.  We went back & forth for quite a few long emails and had several somewhat comical misunderstandings.

In the end, we decided:
* The game should be as amazingly fun as we can possibly make it.

* We shouldn’t worry too much about monetizing, right now.  Yes, we’d like to have some sort of business plan, but we don’t need to sweat the details at this point.  We can move forward trusting that our amazingly fun game will somehow work out well for us.

* Most of the people who do IAP in games do it in a way that feels slimey/spammy/not-nice-to-the-user.  We want to avoid that.

* If we can figure out a way to keep all the fun in the game and not have our IAP feel user-hostile, it’s probably our best business plan but, again, it’s something we can stew on for quite a while during development and work out near the end.

* We’re not 100% sure who our target market is, but we’re happy to learn that Shannon and I are fairly solidly in the group.  We just don’t know how far it extends.  Hopefully a lot!  🙂